In the last few weeks as I have reviewed 2017, I found one common theme that I wanted to light a fire to...
A lot of …Waiting …for the perfect gig, for perfect test results … waiting for that deal to go through or to find that magical pocket of gold … or that landmine what would go off unexpectedly and set me off on a journey so far out of this Universe, it would be unexplainable.
I’m done waiting, and I hope you are too. This year is the year of YOU, of manifesting and making all your dreams come true. Now.
Earlier this week in a meditation with one of my teachers, Vianna Stible - founder of ThetaHealing - She shared that numerologically, 2018 is a number 11!
11 is a Master Number and she advised us that whatever you want to manifest in the coming year, double your desire. Push yourself further. Go above and beyond the mundane and dare to expand your wings. This awakened me to reflect and observe the number 11, not from the numerology perspective, but literally.
Consider this… The number 11 consists of two parallel lines. They can go on forever, never cross, never meet. Science has proven that we are living in a multi-verse that is layered with many dimensions; each of us living in our own dimension. Each with parallels that run so expansive we can not even imagine the wondrous possibilities of life outside this “reality” we are living in now. What does this mean to us, today, right now?
Ask yourself “What Universe or what “reality” am I living in now?”
Are you experiencing joy and happiness in EVERY AREA of your life? Are you fulfilled at every turn? Abundant? Successful?
If you answered No, The question we need to meditate on is … Why Not?
It’s the divine right and privilege of every living thing to experience uninterrupted bliss and pure joy. It’s even guaranteed that one day we ALL will get there. Great prophets and spiritual leaders have confirmed this as well; The Buddhist’s call it Nirvana, The Vedic’s called it Brahman. The Christians call it Heaven, The Muslims call it Jannah and to the Jews it’s known as Messiach. But how do we get there? How long do we have to WAIT?
What I know to be true is that joy and happiness and all that you desire… exists now. It’s already here.
All we have to do is Choose it.
The ancient Kabbalist, Rav Shimon Bar Yohcai, stated in the Sacred text of the Zohar (written over 2000 years ago) that in today’s time - In the Age of Aquarius that we are living in NOW, each of us will live in either the world or “Oye” (Chaos) or “Ashrei” (Order).
Would you like to know that you have the power to choose happiness, TO KNOW that your life is in PERFECT ORDER right now? Would you like to know what it actually feels like to shift your reality - IMMEDIATELY from Darkness to Light? To know the TRUTH that Happiness and joy is YOUR divine right?
If you said YES, you took the first step. You have chosen.
Tonight as you cheers your mates or make out with your cheers, In whatever state of euphoria you are in, take a moment to ride the collective consciousness of joy and excitement that New Years Eve brings around the world. Take that energy into you and know that every moment of our lives is meant to be THAT fun, THAT exciting, and THAT joyous.
A very special thank you to my Teachers; To my beloved Kabbalah teacher, Sarah, quite literally for absolutely everything in my life. And to my soul brother/father/friend and ThetaHealing Master, Eric and to the human Tao herself, Master Geum Dawoon. You grounded me in truth and you set me in motion further into the expansive beauty through all the planes of existence.
Thank you to EVERYONE who walked into my life this year, either for a second, or for ages to come - virtually or physically. You have taken me to a whole new level and taught me lessons I could never have learned without meeting you. Above all you have allowed me to see myself in you. May your year be as perfect as you are, right here and now, in this moment. May it be joyous, abundant, and just plain fucking awesome.
May we resolve to live presently, to realize that we are a gift, not only to the world and those whose lives we touch, but to ourselves. May we constantly and forever be reminded to live in Truth.
Choose. Wisely. Happy 2018!
With Love Always,