Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ode to a Gemini

OH .. there you are
but .. Where are you ?
I'm talking about that one there
Who ? Who You ?
Yes you! you silly set of twins
looking for attention, again and again!
The Gemini's you are
you see so many sides
Turn one's back
You are quick to hide !
and go seek
around the bushes, ONTO the NEXT Peek !!!
So cerebral, not etherial
You do well, with the material
Mr. Gemini
(Or is it the Mrs.)
Its irrelevant
(whatever you wishes)
So many persona
Are you Gretchen, Ida, George or Mona ?
Let me take a stab
see which one I have
There is something about you, that I do know
You have got that Aura, that special Glow.
Of you .. everyone want's a part
you're happy to oblige, at least at the start.
When boredom sets in
No one will win
That's what keeps em on their toes
something only a true Gemini knows.

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