Monday, June 30, 2008

Down Deeper

In deep, 
dig way down
deeper than ever before
A little scary that's for sure
What was it like then back before?
Undefined commitment
 was part of a slew of problems - at the core
 (not to mention a bad case of the whore)

Adorable and sweet,
ripe little piece, 
Italian meat
was the one 
right before, comparison, there is none
From boy to man, 
for sure I am 

Down deeper
Dig to done
Flying colors have won
Building bridges, melding hearts
Down deeper it starts
Down dig deep go down
I am found

Sacred scientists 
can confirm
A huge sacrifice, required to earn
Who doeant like Big explosions?
But too much temporary 

Go down 
deep to that place
Were death is in no trace
Lingering around
Keeping you bound

Bound is involuntary
Unconditional love, revolutionary
You have no choice but 
Laws of the universe
not to Hinder
Compromise safety that you never had before.
Running from yourself the old part of you, 

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