Oh dear bard, give me some Joy
I will share with you mine and you will enjoy.
Her demeanor is insatiable, sure not to annoy
Her loving touch, simply demure
With fiery wit and crayola aura

Be careful not to open her box of Pandora
Her opinions are not necessarily torah
That is for sure-a
Help me out Mr. Shakespeare
Enlighten me, and be very clear !
With her I lived in joy; our wealth increased The Comedy of Errors:
With the sweet silent hours of marriage joys
King Richard III
My dreams presage some joyful news at hand: Romeo and Juliet
Were kisses all the joys in bed, Various poetry / XIX
The gods give you joy, sir, heartily! Coriolanus
The father, all whose joy is nothing else The Winter's Tale
That if it would but apprehend some joy, A Midsummer Night's Dream
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