I'm not really sure what happened, I began to retreat
But I knew then I was returning, to the complete
It all started to flood, I got really scared
Transported, immediately I felt unprepared
Then instantly it happened
I was transported
almost telepathically, not thwarted
All of the stress and anxiety away
my soul began a journey
For a new day
There, in the emerald city I was
6000 feet above
flood awash down below
I was sparred the drama, that I know
The palace was lofty
Eden it felt like, angels whispering softly
Buildings made of jade
Thankful for the moment, I stopped and I prayed
I took a look around
I was alone, not a human sound
the gardens spoke an eloquent secret treat
"Head up the hill, and you'll find your seat"
When I found that special throne
I knew immediately, I was not alone
I waited patiently, for someone to appear
Felt his presence, calmed by fear
Out of nowhere, He materialized
to take my hand in marriage
suddenly, all the paperclips serialized
Turning around together, we walked to the edge
looked out over the horizon, and jumped off the ledge
secured by a parachute, of angels wings
we landed into the "real word"
with everything that brings
It's all said and done
I can be present now,
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