Friday, September 19, 2008

Political Disaster

You must understand I have a language
I leave to you to comprehend

Sewing up gashes gushing
Poisons from the past
with needle and thread
Praying that it will last

Material fabrics that weave
Crisscrossing memories that won't leave
Malfunctioning stem cells replete
Begging to be complete

murky vodka muddled with toxic tears crying
manic pandamonium trying
Storms ablaze in islands haitian
swallowing up canes plantation
To capture the essence of mans weakest hour
Groping psychosis, enabling cower

Waiting for an Alaskan princess
To fly her tiara to the ice palace
With her come-fuck-me smile
Ear to ear, to fool u silly - even just for a little while
Republic of fools
Stockmarket drools
Greedy DNA over W's rules

Pioneering for the potential
Of our own mandella
To save our white asses, like an oprahella
Fairy godmother please find her the right shoe
We cannot endure the torture like Nazi Jews
I prefer my fantasy world to your hardened reality
crisscrossing wires
hardened normality

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