Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks Living

The dew from above
The Rav’s unconditional love
The music of the diva
Remembering Mema
My teacher’s wit
And the lack of my fit
(Getting back into it)
Lagavulin on the rox
Bagels with cream cheese and lox
Divine inspiration
Creative Imagination
Kids that are love-greedy
Hopeless prisoners who are needy
Yaking bitches that know it all
Understanding the truth from their call
Soldiers that fight wars
For republicans who bark at them their chores
Mac and cheese
A cool breeze
Night riders crawling through my dreams
Giving me the wings to rise above old schemes
Mommy and Daddy, yes they still are mine
A Mimi who looks fabulous, sipping her wine
Family and Friends wherever they are
My Acting Coach, who always pushes me to be a star
Above all the gift of my Mate
Who always gives me my glow and makes me look great

I am thankful, very thankful in my living
But nothing is mine, without all of their giving.

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