Whatever she wanted
it all could have been had
what happens between adults, in the 50's - it was sad.
She went down that road
- to nowhere
gave up her dreams, in hopes that he'd someday care
knoxxed up -
Ms. Metropolis' halt on life sudden and abrupt
now a suburban wife
trading the bard's dagger for apron strings
butter knife
Fresh Squeezed Juice?
I'd rather have a noose.
Year's passed on, not so revolutionary
her life became about bacon and egg's - not so evolutionary
Something inside
began to make her crazy
She can't let go of what it is
that makes her logic so hazy
something to say, for the times
twirling poodle skirts and Lawrence Welk's whines.
But April Wheeler changed her mind
The pondered the idea
to leave it all behind.
Two beautiful children, a handsome husband
money to enjoy, domestic violence to fend
But hey, It was all good
so they say
on Revolutionary Road.
April springs a great idea
or so she saught
move the family to Paris
start all over - a thought?
a place Frank loved, from back in War Times
it offered something new, a relief from their grind
So she put it out there, for him to see
on his 30th birthday
a treat from the whole family.
Absurd, he responded
- shrugged it off at first
though the idea of change, created a strong thirst
Frank is a softy, underneath it all
What is there to loose, how far is the fall?
make the wife happy, soften the stroke of his backhand
leave behind the tech-game
New York's gravely sand.
Little did each other know
a private peep show
on their own (not so alone),
A sexy secretary, a solemn neighbor
left alone for some naughty behavior
who's to say "It's all nice and good"
until you look beneath the surface
for the little engine that could.
April's plan felt flat
on her back
the universe conspired
to make her go flat
I can not tell you all the rest
but I will say, it's one of the best.