Oh the places I've gone,
To get to me to now
Karmic debts from lifetimes away,
All add up here somehow.
I got on a ship, and sent myself flying
To the biggest city in the world
Trust me, I was cryin'!
'course you didn't know,
My ego was so big, I never let it show!
Big brass balls, stupid and nineteen,
I am thankful that I was pushed, to my limits -slate clean.
Say as much, I made it here,
On September 16th, the Virgo sky was clear.
Arriving timely to Union Square West,
two soft trunks, filled with my best.
Vesper Porter, was my angel of the day
She gave me shelter, at parsons I would stay.
National Shakespeare was my first stop,
to meet larry fishburne and Olympia ducac
But NOO that wasn't "good enough" for
Smartass ole Bobby-the-stray,
He was too good to be bothered for little off off broadway!!!
So what did he do?
(he'd rather I not tell you)
Away He went, on his journey of learning
With all of his heart and all of it's yearning.
What did he find? But a not-so-good gig.
Dressing windows at the gap,
Pretending he was the shit.
Six dollars and seventy five cents an hour,
a room at the y, That didn't have a shower.
In the heart of Chelsea, wasnt exactly then the same.
In those days muscle boys, played a whole 'nother game.
In less than three months, He lived in five places.
A roach motel by the park, hosting many a faces
Like, hookers and pimps and all of that grit,
And little ole he, who thought he was the shit.
That was just the beginning of a story I will tell,
On "before they were stars", showcasing the hell
And the struggle and the strife,
The sex, drugs, all rife;
The yellow brick road that took me to LA,
A girl named Martha, and her soap opera parlay.
From stage to screen,
The pictures are clear;
All of that lead me- to the light,
And to where I am here.
14 years to the day, on a set with Oliver Stone
Dreams are meant to make happen,
So, to me, don't bitch and moan.
For now, you'll just have to wait
To hear the juicy stuff
Like how I met my soulmate and
My time at Rikers -
that was tough.