Wednesday, April 29, 2009
problems are plenty, a bumpy ride
your well-being is paramount
that, you must abide.
Greed is not your color
fame is not your sin
vanity is deadly
illusion, your
Selfish loving
isn't loving, in the least
until you unleash the mercenary spirit
let go.
the wild beast.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Like whatever you do, is no use at all.
Incoherent pride, elusive from their tone.
Psycosematic detox, as prescribed by their grown.
Whatever -to that,
I'm my own shrink, Intcact.
Just another opportunity
for me to not get invested
In the worry of others,
No matter how hard I'm tested.
Not a part of my script any longer,
That's for sure.
It's my movie I'm producing, a disease I have cured.
Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Dao is at it's last few drops.
The gloves are on,
Music pops.
A circus, a zoo
A field of spartans watch
Center. You.
Up a notch.
Clean of meat,
purged of wheat.
Unconditional strides, ego flies.
Out the door.
One can hope.
Like a dirty whore
Addicted to dope.
It eventually creeps back in.
So, is sin.
Same Ole' Tape

Fragmented in thought.
What must it be like, to be one with the light?
To always feel this feeling, no matter what's in sight.
To incrpprate it all, good bad or otherwise.
Toss it in a pan and then super size.
Look at it all, as one big blessing.
Regardless of the labels, or the mood u are stressing.
Miracles are here, right in front of your eyes.
Don't wait til tomorrow, to suddenly realize.
It might be too late, moment gone.
Jump start yourself now, make it last really long.
It's all relative, in how you see fit.
So put on some different shades, be a part of it.
The change you wish to see In the world around
You don't have to be Ghandi, just tune into your own sound.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Beating a dead hoarse pounding and pounding, begging for rest.
Forcing the bolder to move
With all your might, striving for the tipping point you diligently invite.
One degree, then it's all done
After exorbatant effort, you think you have won.
Only to learn, an inch isn't enough at all
You strive for the mile,
And over again the dominos fall.
Chase the blink.
Just the know, in the now
Don't think.
It will consume you somehow.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I realize now that the purpose driven
Is what is the opportunity I'm given.
Get straight, in line, not diplomacic politics
This time I am letting it all go, my old antics.
Next in line, I'm ready for the willing. .
Life is a banquet, those suckers are starving
My feast is here, and it's fulfilling.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Nun, such a funny game
rising above
other's blame
Day two of this trek
I am careful not to fall
As I am reminded
it's so easy to crawl,
avoiding new ways.
What's different today
than yesterday before
I feel a little less anxious
like life is not such a chore.
I am eager to grow
take it to the next step
but I know it all
starts in my head.
is my thoughts.
at the root of it all
what is in front of me, is NOT.
The responsability is mine.
Ode Mr. Bisky / Aquageddon

O' Norby !
Where for art thou come upest with this brilliance?
is it ingraned from your youth,
from years of Religious school abuse ?
The Aquageddon is upon us,
we are all slaves to the hipocracy of such
blaspemy, they call it
but the good book
say's nothing of it.
Centuries of torture
Now, Peace must prevail.
Baptize us all
in the propaganda you curtail.
Let them make ART
to express their soul
Take lessons from you
through creativity
we console.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Starting a revolution in my mind.
Cracking the whip on the thoughts that bind.
Unyeilding temptations
Ugly proclaimations
Ground hog warts,
Dead as door
Laughing hysterically
At all the tomfoolery,
Troubles masked as
Tequilla flasked.
Drop it, now.
Put down the sword,
Raise your glass
The Ultimate reward.
The Process of Transformation (tet)

A state of being in the same place.
Never growing, lifeless. Pale.
Like the treadmill, running in place
But not winning any race.
It’s time.
Shift in Paradigm
Leaping to fly
Getting heels off the ground
I try.
I will.
The Will I Am
Strength to fight, Will
Will to matter
Make a difference
No mindless chatter
From caterpillar to butterfly
All efforts rewarded
No blind eye.
(Tet), revealed
Judgment of Glory
One over 10
Preface to a brand new story.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Grafitti On The Soul

I am lost for words
nothing for me to saught
has the chi left me?
looking for something new to be taught.
something fresh, a convergent spring
a detailed description
of my own left wing.
clipped art.
creative explosion
enigmatically, foretelling
spiritual mumbo-jumbo
to crazy the inner yelling !
make your mark
proclaim your staking
who is this person inside me
is he here for the taking?
lashing out, my warrior friend
stand up to the distraught
outspoken glances
feelings of empty nest
vaulnerable sighs on another chest
wrecked havoc
internal explosion.
safe within boundaries, nobody is knowing.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Getting it good: A lesson from the light
28 in a magical light
emits the energy
present beside
all knowing
A space in between
A Moon with what will become
escaping bondage
wing down
so others
won’t raise any steam?
igniting your passion
yet, putting out the flame
A double edged sword
the life in your end game.
Are you specific in your request
that all answers are
without test
scores ablaze
run up the chart
as you embrace a new world
and your soul takes start
A valued guest
every person plays the part
giving you that opportunity
stick to your heart
don't go
If you do
you will
end up
where you