Sunday, September 27, 2009


We think so easily
"it's so far away"
Never knowing when,
Might be our day.

Looking on, our glowing tv
Devistation, our eyes can see.
But can we feel it?
Do we let it show?
The pain and suffering
Of those we don't know.

We have to think,
As if it were you
Sitting on that rooftop
Monsoons askew.

In that moment,
Feel the pain
Understand the now,
Is just a game.

What will you do,
How will you react?
Will your Prada loafers
Make an impact?

If you step forward,
take, the first start
Not for "good meausre"
But from your heart;
Those Prada shoes shall rejoice
And march to the upperworlds
And year your voice.

Without judgment or reason
We're here to help others
Lend a sharing hand,
Enemy or brothers.

Then you reach
When the universe collides
And Miracles are
Heaven sent.

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