Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My sneakers are muddy, my jeans are scuffed
Though they are AG, they look a little rough.

My gucci watch, on my left
Reminds me how far i've come,
yet the moments I have missed.

A few grey hairs, I've now put away,
there to get me to to a place
Where i have to care what they say.

At 33,
a few are too many - NOT to ignore.

So today, I go to the gym
In hopes my muscles will inflate more.

Always sure, of what they don't even know.
I will keep certain things to myself,

way on the down low.


Cheryl said...

If your blog had a "like this" button like on Facebook, I'd push it for this one. :)

Daniel Bobby Tuttle said...

Thank you so much. I feel so blessed that you even read my blog, much less like anything there !!!! YOU ARE ALWAYS MY LITTLE PRINCESS!!!!