Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ode to her

Ode to her
A woman, in your life
To make demands of you; 
Push you to the knife.

Intuit your emotions
And your every need
Helping you, without you knowing-
A partner indeed.

She'll tell you stories,
Of girlfriends and gossips
Only for you, 
To tell her to stop it. 

She manages you,
With the stealthiest wit
Only with what she's given
So don't give her any shit! 

She'll console your broken soul 
Tell you, you are right
Make your dreams come true,
Tuck you in at night. 

Correct your spelling,
Guide you to eat well
Stoke your fire
Or make your life a living hell.

Your duty is, to be there
Turn off your phone,
Lend your ear to share  

Oh and also, Give her everything
Then, you will know  
the blessings 
only she can bring.  

Sent from my iPhone

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