What I want;
Be bright and bold, Never get old
care not, what people think
With absolute
(he says with a wink)
I want to sport Ford
Thunderously fast
Leather fingerless gloves
Perfectly to match.
Speak Arabic and Italian
All in the same
Sip Dom Perignion right off of the
Become an undercover agent
To the side of the light
Covert opperations
While folks gasp at the sight,
Of miracle after miracle,
They though only Jesus could perform
Proving once and for all,
Not knowing what hit them,
What bliss they had instore
Or how much happier we all can be
If we'd just care a little more.
Rock the therapy musical
And make a girls dream come true
Get a grand ole opening
Invite everyone we knew.
An Oscar for magik
Turning lead into gold
A Tony on sunset
For shagging Norma
Stone cold.
Jimmy choos
Hunter shoes
Burberry trench
Body by finch
Intense intuition,
Compassion and vitality
Eternal youth and vision
Bringing Immortality.
A Penthouse
full of little faces
From all over the globe
A Teddy that is happy always
a story like Job.
Traveling many places
To feed his appetite to explore
To sane his good graces.
While papa begs for more!
1 comment:
Happy birthday, love. I hope all your wishes come true!
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