Right when the time is ready, he will appear
I know you find this hard to believe, but to me it's so evident, obvious and clear.
You are beautiful enough, Handsome and Pretty
you are talented and strong, independant and witty.
Perhaps the pool you are swimming in, is a tad bit too shallow
don't be afraid to go deeper, the challenge will bring hallow
The soul will stretch, as you reach out your net
bring you opportunities in abundance, on that I will bet.
It's all for the taking; you just have to let go
know in your heart, they are coming in droves
work on yourself, go on a date with yours truly
see if your having fun, or just being unruly.
If you can't handle that, or find yourself bored
perhaps where you're looking, is not the reward.
When you point a finger, 4 are pointed right back
so what you see is what you get, for that is a fact
if what you are attracting, isn't your speed
get busy on your soul, that's whats really in need.
You are already loved, you don't need validation
roses and chocolate are a fleeting presentation.
Don't walk the line, between how-do and when-will
be present in your moments, surely then-he'll
You are you. You are perfect in all.
We all have work to do, and in times we will fall
Remember this though, for me it's a doozey
especially in times of need, when I get kinda boozey;
loneliness is brought on, ultimately by ourself
it can not be cured, with success or with wealth
look to your friends, people who share
I know in your life, there are plenty who care.
"Even from a heart of stone, a flower can grow" - Zion Nefesh
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