Whatever comes between; you, me and the scene
a camera, a mic, some make-up of fright
a laughing script, a diva fit ...
Nothing makes for more beautiful magic
than being in your presence, regardless of
how tragic
the circumstances may be,
That brought you to me.

That's the way it works,
Intention from the core
If you tune in and tap on
you will feel all that and more.
Every question,
demands an reply
weather it be, yes, maybe or simply a "Why?"
In that response,
a world of opportunity
to give, to share, to be in unity.
Intention Paid,
all that is asked
but the fear of the answer
lies, never in facts.
So just ask.
Help is always on the way
Needed or not,
(that's what gets in your way)
just ask and it is given,
If you let go
that need for attention!
Thank you.
For your help,
The first is not the last
I will hollar and yelp.
I recognize,
you are the prize
that has made me so blessed
to wrap up all my ties.
You can rest. (In Jest. Til' I ask again)
*Inspired in thanks to Kashiek Paisley who gave of himself e
ndlessly to help me meet my goals this week.

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