You know its jagged
Sweet and divine.
The quick Fix Pill
A tall glass of wine.
Whine, too
complaining - numbing the pain,
Telling yourself
"It's not my fault"
"Not to blame"
"Give me the Advil,
The ecstacy,
The thrill"
Give you the hangover,
you know that it will.
has it's price,
Innocuous, it's not-
Without it's great wise.
That's right,
don't be afraid to admit
Without it,
Convulsing and Repulsing,
You'll go into fit.
Running in circles,
we claim no control,
Look to each other,
Piece together, the whole.
No one is alone,
(though we all think we are)
Let's lean on each other,
Not for crutch or for car.
For support,

getting through life,
Reminding each other
There's no wrong or right.
A hand will do,
(Not filled with narcotic)
An arm around,
not sensible or quixotic.
Love for no reason,
a hard swallow, I know
but when we get to this point,
all that other shit blows.